Russell Spitzer's Blog

Some guy's blog

Are the Spark Cassandra Connector Api’s Async?

Short Answer: No

Are the underlying requests made to Cassandra Async?


This question led me into an extremely long email where I began to think how best to describe how Spark works and how concurrency fits into that.

How Spark Works:

Spark is much higher level an abstraction than Hadoop based Map Reduce code (although Map Reduce does have some higher level input format apis see CqlStorage). Spark uses a high level RDD/DataSet interface that hides much of the internal logistics of distributed computing.

The application that the end user writes is the Spark Driver, basically the manager of the distributed system. From there you call on a series of APIs to create RDDs (or DataFrames).

For example the call sc.cassandraTable returns instantly with an RDD which represents the operations which map data from C* into a RDD. The RDD is basically a mapping of the C* into discrete independent blocks of data called Spark Partitions. This call takes milliseconds and reads NO data from Cassandra (recent versions of the SCC do schema checks but mostly this is lazy). Transformation functions are then applied to RDDs which in turn yield more RDDs (again instantaneously). This should be familiar to people who have used fluent APIs before. For example

val x = sc.cassandraTable(ks, table)
  .map( this => that )
  .filter(that > something)
  .map(that => complicatedFunction(that))

Would instantly return an RDD of type that which would represent the complete set of operations required to transform the entire table (ks, table) into our objects of type that. This RDD is lazily constructed and no data is actually pulled from Cassandra. All that is made is the plan of work that is required to get to the endpoint. This is a common pattern with Spark. Lazily constructed objects that only do work when absolutely required. These functions above are called Only when an action function is applied (like collect or saveToCassandra) does any distributed work actually happen.

So if you then call


The metadata for constructing and computing the RDD is shipped by the driver to various spark executors (remote JVMs), each executor core will work on one partition at a time until it reaches a shuffle stage (Shuffling is a little more complicated but basically blocks go from one executor to another). This means the the above code will be executed in parallel running items through the full chain of operations in multiple parallel threads on many different machines.

Reading from C* (asynchronously) 
  --> Passing through a Filter 
  --> Applying some weird function 
  --> Save back to Cassandra

Each executor core will be running through this chain with it’s own block of data, each command (passing through a filter/ applying some function) both taking and emitting an iterator so that objects are pulled through as quickly as possible. At no time during this process is any data (except for the metadata about task failure or success) sent back to the Spark Driver application.

If one Core finishes on a partition, the driver will assign it another block to work on. All of this happens automatically and is in not something that the Spark API user has to be aware of.

Back to why the Spark Cassandra Connector API is Sync

During the whole process the Spark Driver is blocked on awaiting the result of this “Job”. Being asynchronous in waiting for this scheduling to complete can only benefit you if you are running less partitions than the entire Spark Cluster can handle at max or if you are using the Fair Scheduler within Spark.

In those cases you could use the scala Future api to start scheduling multiple sets of distributed work at the same time. This is usually not a priority for most Spark Application writers as they usually have far more work than their cluster can do (Partitions »> number of cores.) and they aren’t using their Driver Applications to do any processing since none of the data is actually present on the local machine.

If you had to jobs you wanted to run at the time you could do something like example

AwaitAll (
Future {},
Future {}

AwaitAll is a construct we made up in our testing code but is basically await(Future.Sequence(args:_*, indefinitely)}

Will start two separate spark jobs being scheduled in parallel but if the first job get’s all it’s tasks into the queue and there are no cores left then the jobs will run FIFO. The Fair Scheduler would interleave tasks between the two jobs.

Usually I recommend folks use the SparkSqlThriftServer or the Spark Job Server if they are doing that kind of scheduling.

Being Async Manually within Spark Operations

The SCC also allows you to use any Java driver API internally within your Spark Job including the async APIs. Usually I recommend that users do something like

val cc =  CassandraConnector(sc.getConf)
RDD.mapPartitions( it =>
   cc.withSessionDo( session => rddElement =>  session.something here)))

If they have an complicated command they would like to run. But this is usually not needed as the normal apis like CassandraTable implement basic asynchronous reading and writing under hood.

The Driver Functions without any of Distributed Data Moved to It

There is only a single type of task execution process in Spark, the Spark Executor. Executors only need to communicate with each other during “Shuffles.” During a shuffle, each machine will if possible directly ship blocks to the nodes which requires them. If the amount of memory required to store the information in the partition exceeds the available ram, the partition will to disk. The Executor’s local disk will the hold the partition till it is ready to be shipped to another Executor.

None of this information except for the location of the completed blocks is going back to the Spark Driver. This is because all of this communication is done Executor to Executor with the Driver only handling orchestration (where the blocks are and who should get what blocks.) All the shuffling and disk and network I/O is internal within the Spark Executor and is not a part of User code. The Executor process does both mapping and reducing work (as well as arranging shuffling.) None of this is directly exposed.

Why is Save To Cassandra the only Blocking Call

Only Spark Actions on an RDD are blocking (as they wait for the job to complete to proceed) and saveToCassandra is the only action the Spark Cassandra Connector provides. Functions like cassandraTable or select or joinWithCassandraTable are all Transformations which generate new RDDs with dependencies linking to their predecessors. Because of this, they don’t actually do any work on the cluster and they return instantly.

All of the other actions you could do on an RDD are Spark APIs so the the connector could not wrap and making them non-blocking. Although it would still be trivial to wrap them in futures if you wanted to run multiple jobs at the same time.

Conclusion and More Resources

Spark is a really fun technology so take a look at some of the following videos and blog posts to get more accustomed to it and how it works with Cassandra.


Paco Talking about Apache Spark (Warning 6 awesome hours) []




Cassandra and Spark optimizing For Data Locality []

And there is a whole set of associated documentation and training here
