Russell Spitzer's Blog

Some guy's blog

Spark is awesome and I love it. SparkSQL is also awesome but unfortunately is not fully mature. Although the folks at DataBrix have talked about how it will eventually become as full ANSI SQL langauge that time is honestly far off. This means that most folks will want to fall back onto HiveQL for doing their more complicated queries on Spark.

Accessing your data via Hive on Spark is easy if you have DataStax Enterprise since everything is already bundled together and it should “just work.” But if you are using Apache Cassandra and Apache spark there is still a solution.

First load up your Cassandra Data into a cassandra RDD mapped to a case class or MBean like object. Be sure to apply any predicates you want at this time. This is crucial if you want to do a primary key pushdown or something of that nature.


case class AsciiRow (pkey:String, ckey1:String, data1:String)
val rdd = sc.cassandraTable("ascii_ks","ascii_cs")


public static class AsciiRow implements Serializable
    private String pkey;
    private String ckey1;
    private String data1;
    ... getters and setters ...
JavaRDD<AsciiRow> rdd = javaFunctions(jsc)
  .cassandraTable("ascii_ks", "ascii_cs", mapRowTo(AsciiRow.class))
  .where("pkey = 'One'");

Once we have our rdd’s we can simply register them in our HiveContext and we can do all the HiveQL we desire!


csc.sql("SELECT pkey from ascii_cs")


JavaSchemaRDD schemaAscii = sqlContext.applySchema(rdd, AsciiRow.class);
JavaSchemaRDD result = sqlContext.sql("SELECT pkey FROM ascii_cs");